Quality Exterior Paint
Your house’s exterior is exposed to all sorts of elements. To withstand the bitter cold of snow and freezing rain, the harsh summer heat and UV rays, and the physical damage of strong winds and dirt, you need an expertly applied quality paint. Our top notch exterior house painting services can invigorate and transform a dull or faded house exterior with a brand new paint job. We not only ensure that you find the best exterior house paint and color for your home, but our service will protect and extend your home’s life.
Painting techniques and painting technology are always improving, so our staff is constantly gaining knowledge so that we can provide you with the best service possible.
Does Your Aluminum Siding Need a Touch Up?
Aluminum siding is a popular choice among Ohio’s residents. It is a hassle-free, durable alternative to traditional sidings, thanks to aluminum’s ability to endure years of exposure to the elements. While aluminum does a great job resisting damage caused by rot, water, and corrosion, there is no denying that years of battling exterior climate forces will still take a toll on your aluminum siding. Nothing can withstand Ohio’s scorching summers, cool and damp winters, and powerful storms forever. That’s where we come in. Whether you need a few minor touch ups or a whole house repaint, our experts can help you extend the life of your aluminum siding by decades. No matter how often you pressure wash your aluminum-sided home, no amount of scrubbing alone will ever quite get it looking good as new. No need to worry, that certainly doesn't mean you need to pour money into stripping and replacing it.
Exterior House Painting/Staining
At TOP CHOICE HOME SERVICES we have found through experience that a systematic approach helps us to deliver the quality job that we have promised you.
Below are the general steps we will take on your project. Your situation may vary depending upon your needs as outlined on your Proposal.
Check out the website and all our services we have to offer you. Scheduling Now!